Welcome to CFWC

Thanks for Stopping by

Welcome to Calvary Family Worship Center.  We are all a work in progress and so is our website. Members of our team are diligently working to bring this to completion. Currently CFWC is meeting at a temporary location until our new facility is completed in Grand Prairie.  We look forward to meeting you soon, so check back with us often as information and ministry will be added on a regular basis. However, the best way to get to know us is attending a worship service – 10:30 AM on Sundays at 625 W. Marshall Dr, Grand Prairie, TX 75051

Also in Meridian Texas at 122 North Main Street Sunday evenings at 5:00 PM.

What to Expect

Worship Services

When you arrive at Calvary, you will find a warm welcome, smiling faces and joy. Come as you are, we are relaxed around here. The music is upbeat contemporary mixed with a little old-school. The Word of God is ministered uncompromised with salvation as the center and living a spirit-filled life.

Our goal is for you to feel at home the first time you walk through our doors. See ya soon!

Weekend Review

march 9th

Well, Saturday was eventful. DFW was slammed with severe weather in the early morning hours, and some of us had some close calls! We are thankful to God for his protection.

Mission 12:12 Senior Fellowship group met at noon, and enjoyed a relaxing afternoon together. It was supposed to be a "dinner-on-the-ground & sangin" outside on our church property where we're going to build our new church home one day, soon. Such a beautiful future home the Lord has given us! But due to the weather, we just met inside and enjoyed lots of lively conversation, laughs, and fried chicken & fixins.

Sunday morning, though very cold & wet outside, the house was filled with the warmth and love of family and of the presence of The Lord. Praise was jubilant, worship time was sweet, as the Holy Spirit moved through our midst, touching and blessing, changing...

Pastor Cheek preached a very powerful message on deliverance. Still in the series based out of our 2025 Scripture Ezekiel 16:6 which is where we see God finding us in our sin, and rescuing us from death, commanding us to LIVE! ...but that story doesn't end there...be sure and watch the message below or on our Youtube channel or Facebook page

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