Welcome to CFWC

Thanks for Stopping by

Welcome to Calvary Family Worship Center.  We are all a work in progress and so is our website. Members of our team are diligently working to bring this to completion. Currently CFWC is meeting at a temporary location until our new facility is completed in Grand Prairie.  We look forward to meeting you soon, so check back with us often as information and ministry will be added on a regular basis. However, the best way to get to know us is attending a worship service – 10:30 AM on Sundays at 625 W. Marshall Dr, Grand Prairie, TX 75051

Also in Meridian Texas at 122 North Main Street Sunday evenings at 5:00 PM.

What to Expect

Worship Services

When you arrive at Calvary, you will find a warm welcome, smiling faces and joy. Come as you are, we are relaxed around here. The music is upbeat contemporary mixed with a little old-school. The Word of God is ministered uncompromised with salvation as the center and living a spirit-filled life.

Our goal is for you to feel at home the first time you walk through our doors. See ya soon!

Weekend Review

july 21st

WOW, was this past week full of hustle & bustle & fun fun FUN!
During the Summer months, our Wednesday PM Youth nights have become Family Fun Nights. Each week is hosted by a different family. There are snacks & games & laughs a-plenty, always with Jesus at the center. This week was hosted by the Holt family, with a "Bring your own pool" party. Pastor was nervous, but when he found out the pools were only going to be filled with blankets & pillows for a movie night, he was relieved.
Friday night, the Senior fellowship group, Mission 12:12 met for a fun "Summer (Indoor) Picnic". Chicken, tater salad, sandwiches & chips, watermelon & ice cream was thoroughly enjoyed, as well as a fun game testing our memory of vintage TV shows. Prayer and a Bible study on the subject "Watch Your Mouth" wrapped up the evening.

Opening text Sunday morning was Acts 16:25
Pastor Cheek gave the title for his message in the form of this question- "Why do we do Church?". It's actually a very weighty and thought-provoking question, which many people believe there are many answers to... many good and valid answers as to why they attend church. While there are some genuinely good reasons, there is really only one answer that should rank far above all other motivational reasons that we have for participating in these regular gatherings that we call church. "Church is not about ME, or FOR me"... a statement that is not very popular in today's church. In Genesis 22:4, Pastor told the account of Abraham & his son Issac. Abraham gave a beautiful example of TRUE worship- complete SELF-less submission and obedience to God...without hesitation or reconsideration. A lot of "worship" today focuses on a variety of things other than GOD and Him alone. How about you? What is the one motivation that causes you to gather with other believers and "do church"?

Guest Speaker: Tanner Bedard

Calvary Online Ministry

Worship & Teaching