Welcome to CFWC

Thanks for Stopping by

Welcome to Calvary Family Worship Center.  We are all a work in progress and so is our website. Members of our team are diligently working to bring this to completion. Currently CFWC is meeting at a temporary location until our new facility is completed in Grand Prairie.  We look forward to meeting you soon, so check back with us often as information and ministry will be added on a regular basis. However, the best way to get to know us is attending a worship service – 10:30 AM on Sundays at 625 W. Marshall Dr, Grand Prairie, TX 75051

Also in Meridian Texas at 122 North Main Street Sunday evenings at 5:00 PM.

What to Expect

Worship Services

When you arrive at Calvary, you will find a warm welcome, smiling faces and joy. Come as you are, we are relaxed around here. The music is upbeat contemporary mixed with a little old-school. The Word of God is ministered uncompromised with salvation as the center and living a spirit-filled life.

Our goal is for you to feel at home the first time you walk through our doors. See ya soon!

Weekend Review

february 16th

"All my life, all I know
God's been good, good to my soul
Mountain high, valley low
I'm gonna sing wherever I go"
The words to this song becomes a testimony,
when sung from the lips of one whose heart
and life have been changed by Him...
God is good!

Just before Pastor Cheek began the message,
we had the pleasure of being blessed with a "special"
from the Cheek family! - "The blood will never lose it's power". Pastor read the following scripture, which he
began preaching from on Vision Casting Sunday in January. It is our scripture for the year, from where we also get our word for the year: LIVE
Ezekiel 6:16 - "And when I passed by you and saw you struggling in your own blood, I said to you in your blood, 'Live!' Yes, I said to you in your blood, 'Live!'

Do you know someone who is despondent, feels hopeless because of physical or mental illness or tragic loss, financial hardship or lack of family or friends? Maybe that someone is YOU? Our Mission Statement at CFWC is "Building Hopeful Lives"...it seems, as we witnessed during alter/prayer time Sunday morning, that is exactly what God is doing here in our midst...The Believer that was rescued while struggling in hopelessness, who then sees others in that same condition and speaks life over them, is doing the very thing we're supposed to be doing. Rescuing the dying, and commanding them to LIVE!

Stay warm this week!

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